巴赫D小调手风琴二重奏协奏曲谱,第1部BWV 1043
作者:佚名 来源:本站整理 发布时间:
2017-03-29 12:02:00
D小调二重奏协奏曲,第1部,J.S. 巴赫,BWV 1043
这件作品相当困难,其中包括手风琴部分。 (现场录音由Accordeana在教堂里完成,有很多回响。)没有打击乐器的部分。
Duo-Concerto in D Minor, part 1, J.S. Bach, BWV 1043
This piece is rather difficult, including the basson accordion part. (The live recording was done by Accordeana in a church, with a lot of echo.) There is no percussion part.
Download: parts, score, live recording by Accordeana.